0 In Lifestyle/ Newborns

Baby Brooks | Denver Lifestyle Newborn Photography

I’m going completely out of order on blogging these days but I really wanted to share this one soon. (Given that I get busy with more shooting/editing, there is never a guarantee on time for blogging.) Why is this one a recent favorite? Well, as I’ve mentioned before, documentary sessions hold a special place in my heart. Lifestyle newborn photography sessions tell a story and capture a time that is priceless to the formation of a family. Seeing people in their element adds so much to the memories that I get to capture. When those people are a kick in the butt to hang out with and have a charismatic fur-baby to boot?  Well, I’m in heaven.

Anyone who meets me in person knows that I’m a completely open book so I love it when I meet other people who are the same. Jessica (mom) is totally down-to-earth and we hit it off immediately on the phone. When we met in person she quickly filled me in on the details of Brooks’s long-awaited arrival in the world. I think their wait was worth it because they clearly got a good one! Brooks is adorable and expressive. His reactions to mom’s antics in particular made me smile. He always seems to look at her incredulously right after a joke. You can tell they are so in tune with one another already. Eric (dad) made me laugh we he told me that the baby sounded like a dinosaur when he cried. I giggled even harder when I found it was true. This little guy goes from zero to pterodactyl in no time flat. But most of the time he’s a chill little guy who happens to look up at you in a way that makes him a spitting image of his daddy. As a family their warmth, sense of humor, and style are a joy to be around.

Panorama of newborn nursery with zoo animal theme

Before I arrived, Jessica warned me that the primary shooting locations were in the basement of their home. On the day of our shoot, it was also very overcast. So things weren’t working in our favor light-wise at all! However, because she gave me a heads up I brought studio lighting which saved our butts. (Moral of the story ladies and gents is to let your photographer know these things and said photographer will thank you.)

First we spent some time in the nursery. Dad free-hand painted the walls of Brooks’s bedroom with whimsical zoo animals. Mom also had few projects around the room that drew their home’s contemporary aesthetic into the nursery. But the centerpiece of the room was a stunning two-tone wood crib made by Jessica’s parents. Nurseries are always full of details that show how much love and anticipation goes into having a baby. I hope someday Brooks can look at these photos and see things that he recognizes and loves from his childhood – even long after most of it is lost to time.

Star wars nursery ideas Dark grey nursery walls with hand painted animals

Newborn expressions collage

I love this sequence of Brooks because he goes from clearly trying to get rid of his binkie, to celebrating, to missing the binkie, and then acceptance. Its like the 5 stages of grief. Told you he was expressive!

Denver lifestyle newborn session with a baby boy

Lifestyle images of mom swaddling baby Dad swaddling babyDenver lifestyle newborn photography Petting dog on the couch, lifestyle photography

Rumor has it that Eric is the undisputed champion of both swaddling and burping babies in this household. As you can see, Eric is a doting dad who has been waiting to lay eyes on this precious little person.

Dad holding baby, father and son lifestyle newborn photos Dad burping baby, color lifestyle newborn photography Black and white of father and baby

Parents checking baby's diaper

I had to include the above photo because it so accurately sums up life with a newborn. (Maybe he’s hungry? Maybe he needs burped? Maybe he pooped? Or maybe the lady with the camera is totally weirding him out.)

Baby in foreground newborn lifestyle photography In home newborn photos, family on couch with baby View of baby with parents in foreground, baby between parents Father and child lifestyle newborn photos Dad kissing baby's toes Dad and baby newborn photography in home Mom and baby lifestyle newborn poses Mom and baby lifestyle newborn photography Newborn yawning lifestyle photos

In home newborn session on parents bed

Things got silly when we moved back downstairs. For the first time, the family dog was allowed to interact with Brooks up close and personal. The dog took this opportunity to literally get a taste of his new brother. (It’s okay pup, I joke about eating those cute baby feet too!) This set the mood for a lot of adorable outtakes that I hope they cherish.

Family poses for lifestyle newborn photos on bed

Newborn photo outtakes

Jessica explaining how Brooks already talks with his hands – followed by Brooks reacting so perfectly. <3

Mother and child rocking chair

Brooks put up a good fight but at the very end of our time together he finally decided it was nap time.

Baby asleep in crib view through bars or crib Black and white closeup of sleeping baby

Ready to book your Denver Lifestyle Newborn Photography Session? Contact me and let’s chat!

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