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Baby H’s Birth Story | Natural Birth Photography at The Birth Center of Boulder

Parent's hands on a newborn baby

Sometimes life gives you a “unicorn”. These perfect storms happen far less in documentary photography. All of the vital things – the setting, the actions of the subjects, the ambient light – are largely out of my control in a birth photography setting. But if I could pick my conditions as one would in a studio, this birth would certainly exemplify that. Intensely empowering, loving and supported. Moments washed in beautiful late afternoon light that bounced around a minimalist white backdrop. All of the focus was on the magic happening between this family and their birth team. And magical it truly was for me to witness.

It’s been a year since this birth took place and I think I’ve been dragging my heels on blogging because it’s bitter sweet. Bethany’s birth solidified with absolute certainty that birth photography is where I want to be. But it would also be my last birth for a full year. Losing my support framework for the on-call lifestyle has been difficult. I had to make the decision to put photography on hold until both of my kids were in school. Now that I’ve realized that goal, it seems fitting that I’m coming full circle with this post. I hope by next September I can say that my year was full of moving moments like these. I hope I can also say that I am up to date on blogging. Yikes!

Because Bethany is a doula and has a website dedicated to her practice, I would like to direct you to her post to get a rundown of the birthing process in her own beautiful words. (And to score a doula who is exceptionally well educated in her field…if you’re looking.) It’s great to get a personal depiction from someone who really knows her stuff! Because she wrote a detailed post of her own experience, I have chosen to write about what her birth meant to me as a photographer and let the images (mostly) speak for themselves.

Boulder County Birth Services, LLC. 

Birth Photography at Birth Center of Boulder

The scene as I arrived at The Birth Center of Boulder for Bethany’s Birth Story photography. The midwife was filling the tub for her. She was in good spirits as she giggled with her doula. (I was told Ranelle has been there for all of Bethany’s births!)

Boulder area birth photography Boulder Colorado birth photographer

This is a really powerful series for me. Bethany was certain that she was very close as her contractions intensified and she felt the need to push. When the midwife checked her (above), she was 6/7cm. In the following image (below) you can just sense the wind being taken out of her sails. The next few contractions were especially rough and it was unclear if she was truly in transition or just feeling defeated. We know now that they were strong because the next phase was coming very quickly.

Water birth in Boulder Colorado Birth center tub water birth

At first I was at odds with dad’s watch that day. But now I love it because it helps as a pace setting mechanism for the gallery. To help you picture the whirlwind effect, my camera’s time stamp read just under 1 hr 5 mins from the first image I took on arrival at the birth center to baby’s head being delivered!!

Denver birth photographer

With some help, mom got out of the tub but didn’t make it very far.  It was clear that things were really moving. She did just a few minutes of hands and knees posture and then moved to the bed. She immediately declared that she couldn’t lie there anymore and needed to get up. THREE minutes later, the little guy made his entrance!

Within the birth community, Baby #3 is known at the Wild Card Baby. This certainly proved true for Bethany. Weeks of prodromal labor, a rapid transition, and a physically intense labor were unexpected. Even those very well versed in birth can be surprised when labor does not follow the pattern of their previous ones. Just when you think you understand your body, you are reminded that mother is only half of this incredible dynamic. Each baby is so different from conception forward and that certainly influences how they enter the world as well. Thankfully, mom was strongly in tune with her part and, as she anticipated, baby was extremely close. Her husband, David, got to help catch his son and reveal the gender. Another little boy for this happy family.

Birth photography baby's face visible as perineal pressure is applied

I love the image above. The placement of everything in the image shows his beautiful face emerging but does not compromise mom’s modestly. Instead of being distracted, we can appreciate the 3 sets of hands cradling his head, the 3 pools of fluid like an artist palette below him, and the sunlight shining on his pouty little lips for the first time. (I think 3 might be his lucky number.)

Birth photography baby's head being delivered Birth photography mom catching her baby Mother's reaction birth photography
Bethany kept repeating, “I did it! I did it!” And you slayed it girl!

Mother's reaction to baby's birth Mom and dad crying while holding minutes old newborn baby

The image below is also a favorite of mine. So many things are happening all at once. Dad is letting the family know that they can meet the newest member. The baby is at peace in mom’s arms. But my favorite part is that her doula and friend brought her water to drink. In the excitement of the moments following birth, moms often get left out. But for a doula, mom’s welfare is still the critical focus and that gives me all the feels.

Aftercare for birthing mothers with doula Newborn baby on mother's chest

What did I tell ya? Lucky number 3…

Birth photography tiny fingers on mom's chest Family support during birth

(Above) Father and child comfort mom as the placenta is delivered.

Mom kissing baby on head birth photography Delivering the placenta birth photography Dad cutting the cord Midwife holding placenta in a bowl showing structures Midwife holding placenta and umbilical cord Parent's hands on a newborn baby Dady's hand with a tiny baby foot Dad doing skin to skin time with newborn Dad in awe of his wife after birth

(Above) The way David looks at them says everything. THIS is why you let a photographer document your story. He’s fully there. Fully invested. Fully in love with this moment.

Moments later, the Broncos cheer squad arrived to find out if they were getting a brother or sister.

Children meeting new baby at birth center of Boulder Siblings meeting the new baby

I believe this one (above) is where big sister said they should all go home now.

Sibling shots birth photography Family after birth at Birth Center of Boulder

(Above) This may seem an unlikely favorite but this little one made me smile so much through all of our sessions together. She said, “He has these things too!” Bethany replied, “Nipples? Yes he does.” The look on her brother’s face! This is a memory they will laugh about again and again.

Family relaxing after birth Sibling interactions birth photography Weighing newborn Brother meeting baby

(Above) He looks like he’s giving her a high five with his eyes. <3

Birth Center of Boulder birthing rooms

The images below are interesting because their whole little world is confined to just a few square feet on that bed. These are their first moments of just relaxing as a family. Also, all the jokes that were made about missing the game weren’t even true because they got to see the end of it with this quick birth. Go Broncos!

Broncos fans birth in Boulder

Just after sunset, Bethany and her son had a relaxing herbal bath. I wish every birth could be this natural and beautiful.

Birth photography herbal bath following birth Newborn and mother in an herbal bath

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